# Version
View the current version command to view the SiteServer CLI/SiteServer CMS version and database information.
# Usage
siteserver update
[--config-file <string>]
# Options
Options | Shorthand | Description |
--config-file | -c | Specify the configuration file Web.config path or file name |
--help | -h | Command description |
If the current directory is the SiteServer CMS root directory or the command uses --config-file to specify the configuration file Web.config, the version command displays the corresponding SiteServer CMS system version and database connection string information in addition to the SiteServer CLI version information.
# Example
# Basic
Run the version command in the non-SiteServer CMS system root directory:
PS C:\Windows\system32> siteserver version
欢迎使用 SiteServer Cli 命令行工具
SiteServer CLI 版本号: 6.9.0
当前文件夹: C:\Windows\system32
Run the version command in the SiteServer CMS system root directory:
PS C:\Windows\system32> cd C:\github\cms\cms-staging\SiteServer.Web
PS C:\github\cms\cms-staging\SiteServer.Web> siteserver version
欢迎使用 SiteServer Cli 命令行工具
SiteServer CLI 版本号: 6.9.0
当前文件夹: C:\github\cms\cms-staging\SiteServer.Web
SitServer CMS Version: 6.9.3-beta
数据库类型: SqlServer
连接字符串: Server=(local);Uid=sa;Pwd=123456;Database=cms;
连接字符串(加密): 5TRGlFvX5U5gzX2Vi0sYmORh9DMNnA1MnHncFj259dJRN9l1tqf6dM30add0Zpd88Ni7bmNUsJ3G93HSJxIFoXqj0slash0Q0equals00equals00secret0
Both the non-encrypted database connection string and the encrypted database connection string can be displayed simultaneously with the version command.